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Aspects that a manager should consider when inheriting a team

Background It is most ideal when a manager gets to build a product from scratch. When this happens a manager knows the vision, hires the team and it a might a little bit easier to lead as compared to inheriting a team. I had a similar experiences where I got a chance to build teams.…

Apache Kafka

In this blog, I will share my experience of working with Apache Kafka. I will talk about the different use-cases, basic architecture followed by a quick example. In one the companies that I worked for, I was asked to replace the existing message queueing framework. The existing solution we were using was not scaling. Apache…

Apache Mesos Framework

Apache Mesos is a cluster manager that provides efficient resource sharing across distributed applications. One of the advantages of Apache Mesos is linear scale. Companies like Twitter and Airbnb have utilized Mesos and created their own framework on top of it. Let’s take a couple of examples: Mesos can also be used as a cluster…

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